Learn more about the background to our Kenyan case study by watching these two short films that were co-created by some MYNA team members.
“Maasai Voices on climate change (and other changes, too)” (2013) is a short participatory documentary created by a group of young pastoralists in the Maasai Mara, Kenya, including our co-researcher Stanley ole Neboo (spot him in the credits!).
This film received the American Anthropological Association 2013 Jean Rouch Award for Collaborative Filmmaking. In February of 2023, while conducting MYNA fieldwork in the Maasai Mara, Joana organized screening of it. The screening, held at the Full Gospel Church in Mpuaai, was a success, as Maasai filmmakers and others finally watched the film on something other than their phone screens.
The short video “Of God, rain and motorbikes” (2013), shot by Joana and Nicolas Tapia in 2011 in Kitengela and the Maasai Mara, dwells on rain, land and spirituality – from droughts to floods, from communal land to private plots, from Jesus to Enkai.